I'll do my best to be a good
worker!!! |
In Sik Choi

Address : Amnam-dong Seo-Gu, Pusan , Korea
Contact : (H.P) 010 - 3156 - 3922
Available : Immediately
Education :
Feb 99 Graduate from Haekwang High School
Feb 2006 Graduate from Youngsan University
B.A. degree of english
Sep2001-Nov2003 Military Service
Qualification :
Travel in U.K. (for 2 weeks)
Good at English
Good at operating computer
(Hangul, MS-Office, Internet, etc)
Tae kwon Do 3dan
Personal : Born in april, 81,
Unmarried Male, Goodhealth
Cover letter
insik choi
I live in korea.
I will graduate from Youngsan-University with a B.A.
in English. And I travelled England and Ireland,
watched many writers there. My favourite hobbies are
film, tae kwon do , fitness and so on...
I'll do my best to be a good worker.
Thank you for your consideration.
E-mail : cisda12@yahoo.co.kr
Yours Sincerely,
insik choi